Lecturers Jobs Punjab Higher Education Department||New Jobs Knowledge Guru

Lecturers Jobs Punjab Higher Education Department||New Jobs Knowledge Guru

Good news for all aspirants who are waiting for lectures jobs. The wait is over now and Punjab Higher Education Department is going to announce Lecturer Jobs through PPSC.

The test will be conducted by PPSC and soon advertisement will be announced by PPSC.

The notification shared with Directorate of Instruction shows that Punjab Higher Education Department will soon announce these jobs because they have asked to provide all vacant across all districts within 2 days which means that Higher Education wants to quickly proceed these Jobs.

For all thses lectures jobs test preparation and Past Papers Subscribe our Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEloCwpvh-u1LznH-965Ww/



Updated: June 2, 2020 — 1:31 pm
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