Congratulations to all candidates shortlisted for the post of Appraising/Valuation Officer BPS-16 in FBR Case NO F. 4-176/2019-R from team For daily Jobs, Results Updates, Roll No Slips, syllabus, Solved Past Paers of FPSC,PPSSC,KPPPSCC,NTS,PTS Visit daily.
Instructions for Shortlisted Candidates:
1.All candidates should fill bio data form properly.
2.Attach all the documents mentioned in Bio data form carefully
3.Send Bio data form and documents within stipulated time.
4.All government servants must attach NOC with Bio data form.
Important Points for All Candidates :
1.There are total top 502 candidates@1:10(10 candidates per post) have been shortlisted for next phase i.e Descriptive Test.
2.After Descriptive test FPSC will display another list of successful candidates for documents submission and interview.
3.All candidates who are shortlisted are cautioned to start study for descriptive test now.
4.The syllabus and schedule for written (descriptive) test will be uploaded by FPSSC within due course time .so for updates visit FPSC website or govtpakjobs website.
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