Applications are invited for recruitment of the various posts mentioned in LGRDD Jobs 2020. if you are looking for Village Secretary Jobs 2020 than you are definitely at right place for Local Government Department Kpk Jobs 2020.If you are in dire need of federal jobs, jobs in kpk, jobs in fata, jobs in punjab, jobs in sindh, jobs in gb, jobs in ajk and jobs in Baluchistan than visit our website Today Paper Jobs ( on daily basis for all kinds of Pakistan jobs , private jobs and government jobs.
Vacant Post:
Village Secretary
Last Date To Apply:
13th August 2020
District Wise Jobs Details:
District Name | Total Posts |
Banuu | 05 |
North Wazirstan | 80 |
Mohamand | 53 |
Bajauar | 110 |
Kurram | 66 |
Orakzai | 45 |
D.I.Khan | 10 |
Tank | 06 |
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