Today BISE Peshawar annpounced the result for Matric Class 10th and Class 2nd year and here you will get complete details of BISE Peshawar Result 2021. Board of Intermediate and secondary education is one of the most prestigious institutions of KPK. Bise Peshawar was came established in 1961 KPK Governament. This is the largest board of KPK and over Students gets highest Marks all over KP from BISE Peshawar. The Result today was announced by BISE Peshawar Phase wise. In the First phase, BISE Peshawar announced results for Class 10th and Class 12th only.In the 2nd Phase, Result will be announced by BISE Peshawar for classes 9th and 11th. This time exam were conducted by BISE by following strict SOPS .
This time BISE Peshawar according to the Federal Ministry of education conducted exams only in main subjects . For student, only Physics, Math/BIO/Computer, and chemistry Papers were conducted. Matric Students only appeared in English BIO Math and chemistry Subjects. Now the rest papers marks will be given by taking an average of other subjects in which Students appeared.
BISE Peshawar Topper Result 2021

HSSC BISE Peshawar Topper Students Result 2021
BISE Peshawar Overall Result passing ratio is 100% and 48 students have obtained more than 1094(99.45%) marks .Here is the list of Top 3 Students of BISE Peshawar in HSSC.
Position | Student Name | Total Marks | Obtained Marks | School Name |
1st | Adnan Tariq | 1100 | 1084 | Jinnah College Peshawar |
2nd | Jamshaid | 1100 | 1078 | Capital Degree College Peshawar |
3rd | M Shoaib | 1100 | 1074 | Islamia College Peshawar |
SSC BISE Peshawar Topper Students Result 2021
Position | Student Name | Total Marks | Obtained Marks | School Name |
1st | Rimsha Imran | 1100 | 1098 | Peshawar Model Girls High School |
2nd | Jamshaid | 1100 | 1096 | |
3rd | Israr Ahmad | 1100 | 1094 | Islamia College Peshawar |