Career Testing Services Pakistan CTSP has uploaded the Eligible Candidates list for Excise Taxation and Narcotics Control Jobs . Check Online CTSP Candidates list for narcotics control department.The syllabus for Excise Taxation narcotics control jobs has already been uploaded by CTSP. The CTSP will soon issue Roll no slip for Narcotics control KP department jobs.For more details visit
How To Check CTSP Eligible candidates list for Excise Narcotics Control Jobs
The eligible candidate’s list is now uploaded by Career Testing Service Pakistan CTSP and candidates can check their names in Eligible /Ineligible candidates list by ctsp official site or by clicking on the given link at the end of the post. Candidates have to enter their CNIC No to check their status.If any candidate’s name is not eligible to list then candidates should try to contact CTSP through phone or email and send queries to CTSP.
CTSP Syllabus for Excise Taxation Narcotics Control Department Jobs
CTSP has uploaded syllabus for Excise Taxation and Narcotics control Jobs and all aspirants must study according to the given syllabus as below
- Test will be conducted according to the syllabus given below but portion
can be increased or decreased. - General Intelligence includes Analytical Reasoning, General Knowledge,
Islamiat, Pakistan Affairs, Current Affairs and Every Day Science. - English includes Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structure and
Comprehension. - Passing Marks in screening test will be 50 and above of the total whereas
for A.S.I and Constable the pre requisite to appear in the screening test
will be passing of Physical Test. - Shortlisting for interview will be based on passing of screening test for
which the passing marks as mentioned above is 50 and above. - The final selection of the candidate against respective post shall be made
by combining screening test score with qualification marks as per ESTA
CODE distribution of qualification marks. The final selection shall be made
out of accumulated score of 200 marks on zonal basis
Excise Taxation Narcotics Control CTSP Eligible Candiadtes List
All aspirants who applied for Excise and Narcotics Control Jobs are advised to check their status within time other wise they will be considered as ineligible. those candidates who are ineligible are advised to send query to CTSP with documentary proof and candidates name will be added in eligible list.