KPESE E Transfer Apply Link||Click Here For E Transfer Application

KPESE E-Transfer online application is now live and all aspirants who are willing to apply for e transfer mutual transfer should now apply through KPESE E transfer apply link. The e transfer posting is only open for those servants who are willing to mutual transfer from one place to another are also those who are strong posting are having any physical disablility reason. In this article I will guide you step by step how to apply for e transfer what is the best way for e transfer applications so you should read this guideline if you want to apply in a correct or exact way.

How To Apply For KPESE E-Transfer-E -Transfer Application 2021

For KPSC online a transfer application everyone must follow the below important guideline points.

1. For E-Transfer posting candidates must visit official website and there is a E-Transfer application online link is available so candidates should click on that link to apply for e transfer posting.

2. The first step to apply for e transfer posting is to create online account in a transfer application are web portal.

2. For account creation candidates have to provide CNIC ,email id and password.

3. After successful creation of account then candidates have to login into their account by providing the already given email id and password.

4. Once you login into your e-transfer account then you have to provide all the required details which are mentioned in the postal and then after providing all the desired required information you will get an option to apply for e transfer posting.

5. For for e transfer posting candidates have to first select desired school of posting and after selecting school of posting the weekend post name and candidate name will be automatically displayed.

6. So before submitting a transfer application you have to 100% confirm the desired school and the desired place of posting because after submitting your application you cannot edit your IIT answer for application form.

7. The the e transfer posting is a great step from kpk

education department and everyone must appreciate this policy because to this policy the nepotism has been finished.

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Updated: November 25, 2021 — 2:29 am © 2022