Punjab Wildlife and Parks Department Jobs 2022 . Punjab wildlife and parks department have announced multiple number of vacancies for its new project improvement and development of Jalo safari park Lahore. All eligible candidates can apply for Punjab while life department jobs upto 30.06.2022. These jobs includes field assistant horticulture waiter beldar animal keeper sweeper and field compounder. For more detail visit or website govtpakjobs.com.
Punjab Wipdlife Parks Department Jalo Safari Jobs
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How To Apply For Jalo Safari Punjab Wildlife Parks Department Jobs
I. The applications must reach in the Office Of Deputy Director Wildlife, Lahore Regionat m2-Sanda Road Lahore only by registered post courier service by due date12.04.2022 during office hours. By hand application will not be accepted.
2. Applicants working in Government / Semi Government Departments should applythrough proper channel alongwith requisite N.O.C from Competent Authorityconcerned.
3. Attested photocopies Of academic record i.e. Degrees / Certificates etc. ExperienceCertificate, Domicile Computerized ID Card, and two recent passport sizephotographs with blue background must be attached with the application.
4. Incomplete application or those received after due dated 12.04.2022 will not beentertained.
5. After detailed scrutiny of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be invited fortest/ interview through separate letter / SMS.
6. No. TA / DA shall be admissible for test / interview.
7. All the candidates shall be required to produce original National Identity Card,Domicile Certificate and Trahscripts of Qualification at the time of interview.
8. The Department has right to increase or decrease the number of posts Or not to fill anyvacancy without any reason.
9. The interview can be cancelled at any time. In case of local holiday, the interviewdate will be communicated afresh.BDUL SAHKOOR MANJDe uty Director Wildlife, Lahore Region Lahore-Sanda Road Lahore Ph. 042-9921237IPL-3303
Wildlife Department Punjab Jobs Advertisement

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