Nayatel Jobs Kpk May 2022

Best Job Opportunities in Dir / Chitral After launching an excellent fiber network in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Gujranwala and Peshawar, Nayatel is starting work on its network in Veer / Chitral. Which requires the following staff.

How To Apply

Interested persons should write the name of the post on their recent CV and send it to the following address by 20th May, 2022. Candidates will be offered attractive salary, departmental training, promotion and rewards for best performance, free medical and other facilities. Note: Only candidates who meet the above criteria will be called for interview. HR Department, Newell E-73 GD Arcade, Fazlul Haq Road, Boulevard Or, Islamabad. UAN: 111 11 44 ​​44

Updated: May 8, 2022 — 6:22 am © 2022