Uet Test pk has announced that all PESCO Teat candidates who have appeared in pesco test for any post have to fill academic record form. All candidates are informed through sms by uettest.pk that they have to fill the academic record form which is available on uet test pk website. The candidates passing marks criteria has not been announced by uettest.pk which is unfair with the candidates.The testing agency uet test should clearly display the passing marks criteria for each post.so now all candidates who have received sms from uet test have to submit academic record form.

How To Fill PESCO Test Academic Record Form
All Candidtes who have been declared passed by pesco should have received sms from uet testing agency.
Candidates have to follow the following steps to pass fill the form.
1.Click on given link in sms or click here to open academic record form.
2.Now enter you cnic and the code to enter in your profile.
3.Now enter your academic record properly
4.You have to enter academic qualification only which is mentioned in advertisement.
5.After successfully adding your academic record now save your profile by submitting button.
6.For any query contact uet test.pk

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