KPK Jail Police Selected Candidates List for Warden Post Bps-07

KPK jail police announced the final selected candidates for the post of jail warden Bps-07. Today kpk jail police issued an appointment letter of all the candidates who are finally selected for jail warden post Bps-07. This is the list of only zone 4 candidates and all candidates belonging to other zones are advised to wait there final appointment letter will be issued soon by kpk prison department. The merit list which is prepared by kpk jail police is a final merit list. This merit list has been prepared by using insta code and the test marks carry no marks.

Jail Police Candidates Final List

KPK Jail Police Merit List-ETEA Jail Warden Merit list 2022 – Click here

.This merit list is only prepared on the basis of the ETEA screening test and it is not provisional merit list.The complete jail warden merit list will be uploaded by kp prison department after conducting jail warden interviews.Etea Jail warden merit list is now available and candidates can now check their test score and overall position in ETEA jail police tests

Updated: July 23, 2022 — 8:35 am © 2022