Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology BUET Jobs 2022 Application form

Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) invites applications from dynamic and qualified Pakistani Nationals for different vacancies on prescribed form available on BUET website . Application are invited from eligible and Qualified candidates for regular appointment against teaching and non-teaching posts. These vacant positions are for main campus of BUET, Khuzdar. This is a good opportunity for all the candidates who are in search of teaching and non teaching jobs in Pakistan. 4 different kinds of positions are announced by BUET for which qualifications must be fulfilled before applying.

BUET Khuzdar Jobs Description:-

Posted14 December
EducationMatric To Master
Job TypeFull Time
Last Date6 January

Vacant positions and Qualifications required for latest jobs in BUET

Following vacancies are announced by BUET:

  1. Director General QEC
  2. Assistant Engineer
  3. Lab Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Bio Medical/Computer System)
  4. Junior Clerk
    Qualifications required for above posts is PhD/Masters in relevant Field, BE Civil Engineering, First Class Bachelor Degree in relevant Engineering Field and Matric with typing speed of 30 WPM

How to apply for jobs of BUET 2022

  1. Applicants must visit University website and download prescribed application form available on
  2. All applications must be supported by following processing fee which is to be deposited at UBL, Khuzdar via bank Challan or in any other bank of Pakistan in form of demand draft in favour of Treasurer, BUET, Khuzdar.
    Processing Fee for Sr#1is Rs-3000
    And for St# 2,3 and 4 is Rs. 1000
    3.In service candidates must apply through proper channel
  3. No TA/DA will be admissible for test and Interview
  4. General age relaxation will be given as per government rule.
  5. For Sr# 2 to 4 candidates with 50% marks in the written test will be called for interview.
  6. Application supported by CV, cover letter, attested copies of all documents and 3 Recent passport size photographs must reach the address below not later than 6th January 2023
    Assistant Registrar (Establishment), BUET, Khuzdar.

BUET Khuzdar Jobs 2022 Advertisement

Updated: December 14, 2022 — 3:26 am © 2022