Download Islamabad Police Written Test Roll No Slips 2022|Islamabad Police Constable Test Syllabus

Islamabad police constable test date has been announced and candidates can now download Islamabad Police Roll No Slips 2022 from ICT police official website i.e The candidates who have successfully cleared Islamabad police physical test have now to appear in Islamabad Police written test.The written test for Islamabad police will be on 31st December 2022.All candidates of KPK, Punjab, GB, Sindh and Balochistan have to first download Islamabad Police written test roll no slips from website i.e .

Islamabad Police Written Test Roll No Slips 2022 Download Method

All Islamabad police candidates are hereby informed that the written test date has been announced by Islamabad police and the test for Islamabad police constable jobs will be on 31st December 2022. All candidates who have successfully cleared physical test of Islamabad police have to download Islamabad police roll number slip from ICT police official website i.e . To download Islamabad police roll number slips the candidates when open Islamabad official websites then you have to go career section or Islamabad police website. On career section you will see an option to download Islamabad police roll no slip and click on that popping bar. Now to download Islamabad police roll number slips you have to enter your cnic number. Once you enter your cnic number click on check button and you will see Islamabad police rule number slips will appear on your screen.Click on download button and Islamabad Police roll no slip will be downloaded. Now print your ICT Police constable test roll no slip and check your test date and time carefully.

Islamabad Police Constable Test Syllabus 2022-Islmaabad Police Constable Test Pattern

Islamabad police test aspirants are now concerned about Islamabad Police Test syllabus. So far officially Islamabad Police has not yet officially announced Islamabad Police test pattern and syllabus and that’s why all ICT Police test aspirants are now looking for Islamabad Police test syllabus 2022. Here I am sharing the most probable Islamabad Police test syllabus based on my own experiences and this syllabus will help the candidates to study in a good way for Islamabad Polic Test. The most probable test syllabus for Islamabad Police Constable Test is as follows:


     "Islamabad police Constables "

Written test syllabus
(1) English 15mcqs
(2)Urdu 8mcqs
(3)Pak study 10mcqs
(4)Islamic study 10mcqs
(5)Mathematics 7mcqs
(6)Gk & iQ 15mcqs
(7) current Affairs 5mcqs

Total Marks =70
Physical marks =10
Interview marks =20


English = proposition, Synonyms Antonyms, Conditional sentence,lite view of parts of speech & sentence correct (verb mistakes change of Narration ) etc various signs use in punctuation

Urdu= famous drama Novels poetry writer’s baki same as English

Pak study= pre & post partition history of pak till now

Islamic study = Prophet Mohammed life, Battles, Pillars of Islam, calipha Rashdeen , Quran Mcqs 99 Names of Allah & Muhammad sw their meanings imp events of Miraj, doors of jannat and Titles of various Prophets

(5) Mathematics = imp definition. %age , ratio , profit loss , basic algebra
Columns, distance ,speed & age measurement,proportions mcqs

(6) Gk = ●continent’s capitals ,currency
Imp seas locations
●Largest smallest lakes airport city Rivers Glaciers countries etc
●Agencies of various countries
●International organisations like UN Saarc OIC Etc
●Pak geography mountain ranges highest peeks desert national Animals and Flowers imp forts ,tombs, gardens dams lakes old names of cities Etc
●Discoveries & inventions of Radio computer Television planes phones Etc
●Basic computer mcqs

(7) current last 8 months

Updated: December 27, 2022 — 11:27 pm © 2022