University of Okara jobs 2022| Application form on

University of Okara invites applications from suitable, dynamic and qualified Pakistani individuals on application form present on against different teaching positions in different departments. Applications are invited from candidates for teaching in different disciplines as visiting faculty members for Semester Spring 2023. Duly filled application form along with attested copies of Testimonials, Experience Certificates, CNIC and CV must be submitted to Vice Chancellor Secretariat, University of Okara not later than 06 January 2023. The interviews will be conducted on 10th January 2023 and appointment letters will be issued to selected candidates on 13 January 2023.

University of Okara Jobs Description:-

Posted23 December
DepartmentUniversity of Okara jobs
Job TypeFull Time
Last Date5 January

Vacancies in different disciplines of University of Okara 2022-2023

Following Vacancies are announced in University of Okara:
Bio Technology, Nano Sciences, Law, Sociology, Criminology, Statistics, Management Sciences, Tourism and Hospitality, Commerce, Urdu, Educational Studies, Chemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Bioinformatics, Wildlife and Ecology, Physics, Computational Physics, Sport Sciences, Public Health, Special Education, Software engineering, Economics, International Relations, Fine Arts, Computational Biology, Food Science and Technology, Punjabi, Information Technology, Mathematics, Political Science, Science Education, Biology, Library and Information Science, Biochemistry, Botany, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences, Teacher Education, Educational Planning and Management, Media and Communication Studies, Psychology, Computer Science, Applied Chemistry, Industrial Physics, English Literature, Linguistics, Islamic Studies, Industrial Biotechnology, Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Medical Lab Technology.

How to apply on Okara University Latest jobs 2022

  1. Application form can be downloaded from Okara University Official website
  2. Interested candidates must send duly filled application forms along with attested copies of Testimonials, Experience Certificates, CNIC and detailed CV to Dr. Muhammad Wajid, Vice Chancellor Secretariat, University of Okaranot later than 06 January 2023.
  3. Candidates must also deposit Rs- 400/- as application processing fee against each discipline separately. The fee can be paid via bank draft (NTN No. 9021534-6) in favour of Treasurer of University of Okara, Renala Khurd or deposit in HBL(Treasurer payment A/C No. 01527913908901) of University of Okara and also need to attach original bank slip/deposit along with application form.
  4. The interviews will be completed on 10 January 2023 and appointment letters will be issued to candidates finally selected on 13th January 2023.
  5. Incomplete applications and applications received after due date will not be entertained
  6. No TA/DA will be admissible for Interview
  7. Only Shortlisted candidates Will be called for interview
  8. Last date for applying on these jobs is 6 January 2023.

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Updated: December 24, 2022 — 2:54 am © 2022