Federal Treasury Officer which is a Public Sector Organization invites applications via www.njp.gov.pk from Pakistani Nationals including both males and females for different vacant positions. All the appointments will be made according to Establishment Division Recruitment Policy Guidelines dates 22-10-2014 , 31-09-2017 and 04-03-2019. Age relaxation will be given as per government rules. Total 03 types of vacancies are announced. The age limit for these jobs is 18 to 25 years. The interested candidates who are willing to apply for these jobs should visit National Jobs Portal and apply online. Applicants should visit website www njp.gov.pk and apply according to their qualifications and eligibility.
Vacancies in Federal Treasury Officer Karachi 2023
- Sub account (BPS-14)
Including quota of merit, all Provinces, Kashmir, non-muslims, - Junior Accounts Clerk (BPS-07)
Quota of Punjab, KpK and Sindh - Sweeper/Sanitary Worker
Only Karachi residents
Qualifications required for Federal Treasury Karachi Jobs 2023
Qualifications required for these jobs are
1) Bachelor Degree from HEC recognized University/B.com 14 years
2) F.Sc /F.A/I.Com from recognized Institute with computer Literate having typing speed of 30 words per minute
3) Primary pass
How to apply for Federal Treasury Officer Karachi Latest Jobs 2023
- Interested candidates must first visit the website of National Jobs Portal www.njp.gov.pk . Applicants have to first check the details of these jobs then apply on these jobs according to their qualifications and complete the forms during online apply properly and carefully.
- Age relaxation of 05 Years will be given as per rules
- At the time of Test/ interview original documents will be checked.
- Attested copies documents will be required during the test
- Last date for applying on these jobs is 15 January 2023. Apply within 15 days of Publication of this advertisement
- Only Shortlisted and eligible candidates will be called for test/Interview
- No TA/DA will be admissible for test/ Interview
- Government servants should apply through proper channel
- Address: Mushtaq Ahmed Ujjan, Federal Treasury Officer Karachi
Treasury Officer Karachi Latest Jobs 2023

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