BISE Peshawar Adopts E-Marking for Matric and Intermediate Exams

E Marking system will be introduced soon and Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (Peshawar) is all set to to introduce E marking system in upcoming Matric and Inter Exam 2023 that is scheduled to be held in April and May respectively.

Chairman BISE Peshawar Prof Nasarullah Khan Yousafzai has said that e marking system will digitalize the marking system in Pakistan and it will be a resolutionary step to bring transparent marking system in KPK. E-marking option will be utilised partially in upcoming Inter and Matric exams 2023 and it will be completely implemented in next year.

The e-marking system is expected to bring transparency to the paper checking process and produce more reliable and accurate results compared to manual checking. In addition, it will also prove to be cost-effective as teachers will no longer need to visit schools and colleges to mark papers, allowing them to check papers from any location at any time.

Similarly last month KP elementary and Secondary Education has decided to introduced SLO student learning outcome exam system in class 9 that will discuss the traditional and rote learning.

The decision of introducing e-marking system has been taken after the end of two day plenary of KP Board’s Chairman Committee (KPBC) in which heads of all KP Bise Chairman participated.

Updated: January 13, 2023 — 2:30 pm © 2022