Shorkot Cantonment Board Jobs 2023|Apply via

Shorkot Cantonment Board invites applications for filling vacant posts in Cantt public school Shorkot Cantt through from dynamic, eligible, Energetic and Qualified Pakistani Nationals. Attractive Salary Packages will be given to candidates as per market rate. Candidates interested in teaching jobs must apply on these jobs as this is one of the best teaching institute for interested candidates to have a good future ahead in the Field of teaching. Candidates interested in these jobs should apply ML&C career portal via
These are contract based jobs for a period of 03 Years and will be confirmed by evaluation of academic skills and performance after six months

Vacant Posts in Cantt Public School Shorkot Cantt 2023

  1. Senior Teacher (Female) Urdu/Science
  2. Junior Teacher (Female) English
  3. Montessori Teacher (Female) English
  4. Montessori Teacher (Female) Arts subjects/Science
  5. School Teacher (Female) PTI
  6. School Teacher (Female) Nazra
  7. Accountant (Female)
  8. Admin Supervisor (Male)

Qualifications required for these jobs are
Msc/BS/BA/BSc/B.Ed in first division and 05 years of teaching experience in relevant field , Montessori Diploma, BA/BSc with one year experience in physical education, MA Islamiat/MA Arabic with 05 years of experience. B.B.A Finance/ fist division and 05 years of relevant experience, Retired Army NCOs/JCOs with minimum 05 years experience of administration in recognized Establishment.

How to apply via for Shorkot Cantonment Teaching Jobs 2023

  1. Interested, Eligible and experienced candidates meeting required criteria should submit applications via ML&C career portal at within 15 days of Publication of this advertisement.
  2. All the necessary instructions for applying on these are present in the ML&C website mentioned in Sr#01. Follow these instructions and apply carefully
  3. Last date for applying on these jobs is 12 February 2023
  4. The posts will be non-transferable to other stations and Recruitment will be on contract basis under the rules made by competent Authority
  5. Only Shortlisted candidates Will be called for test/Interview
  6. Ni TA/DA will be given to candidates appearing for interview/Test
  7. Candidates have to produce original educational documents, Certificates and other Required documents at the time of interview (along with Transcripts and Degrees verified by HEC)

Shorkot Cantonment Board Jobs 2023 Official Advertisement

Updated: January 30, 2023 — 12:35 pm © 2022