Siba Testing service is a testing agency owned by IBA Sukkur and candidates who are waiting for STS Result have to visit sts portal regularly via . STS Portal Service enables the students to register and Schedule their Test , results and receive counseling from the SIBA Testing Service Personnel. Here on this page we will provide you complete guideline about STS Portal login, How to check Online Results on STS Portal, Answer Keys , way to login into STS Portal Account , Merit List and further more. STS Portal or SIBA Testing Service provide you organic information about Registration and test information.
STS Portal or SIBA Testing Service Portal:-
For visiting STS Portal applicants have to simply type on Google. After typing STS link on Google you will successfully land on STS official Portal. Once you land on STS Portal you can easily aware about Online Registration, How to create Account on STS official Portal etc. Hera all options regarding STS or SIBA Testing Service will be available.
STS Web Portal Login or SIBA Testing Service Login:-
To login into STS Portal or SIBA Testing Service official web Portal you have to tape or visit After that you can easily login into STS Portal. Now you can create Account on STS Portal if you don’t. You have to enter your CINIC number, Gmail, Password and then on login option. After this process you will be enter into STS Account easily. After submitting All the Data into STS Account you have to click on given Button then your account will be successfully created.
Download STS Roll No Slips:-
The STS Portal or SIBA Testing Service will provide you complete guideline about Roll No Slips of any Recruitment. On STS Portal or SIBA Testing Service candidates can download Roll No Slips in print Form as well as Answer Keys, Merit List etc. STS upload Roll No Slips before 5 to 7 days before Test. You can download STS Roll No Slips simply by your CINIC.
STS IBA Results 2023 :-
Institute of Business Administration IBA conducted test on 22 January 2023 and those candidates who appear in IBA screening test are eagerly waiting for IBA results. This IBA Results will be soon uploaded on STS Portal. Here on this page we will provide you IBA or Institute of Business Administration results. You can download Answer Keys of IBA from STS or SIBA Testing Service official website.
STS Merit List:-
STS Portal or SIBA Testing Service official website upload any type of merit List on his official web page. STS upload tentative Merit List, Interview list and Final Merit List of any Recruitment. SIBA will release any type of provisional merit List and final selected candidates merit List on his official STS Portal.
Download Answer Keys on STS Portal:-
STS Portal or SIBA Testing Service uploading videos kinds of answer keys on his official web page STS Portal. Candidates who wants to download any type of answer keys they have to simply visit the STS Portal from where they can easily download any type of recruitment answer keys. The STS Portal will provide you complete guideline about the answer keys.
STS Test Schedule:-
SIBA Testing Service provide you complete information about the STS Screening Test regarding any Recruitment which is available on STS Portal. STS Portal constitute complete details about STS schedule like Screening Test, Interview, Merit List and final selection details. All the Data are available on STS Portal in his schedule category.
How do I contact with STS:-
Candidates who wants to contact with SIBA Testing Service about any query he may contact between Monday to Saturday with local time is 9am to 5pm. For further information you may visit STS Portal
STS Admit Card Portal:-
STS Portal or SIBA Testing Service allows the users to login into their account. The Login into STS Account process is very simple because it just needs username and password from Asparints. Once you logged into STS Account you can easily view their Account information add new tests or manage their test results.

What is SIBA Testing Service (STS) Portal?
SIBA Testing Service (STS) Portal is an online platform that provides testing services to candidates who wish to apply for admission to universities, colleges, or other institutions
How do I create a STS Account….?
To create Account on STS Portal applicants have to visit through the
How do I check my STS slip….?
To login into STS Portal you can check or download your STS Slip.
How we can Online Apply on STS …?
To Online Apply on STS we have to visit through the STS official Portal.
What tests are offered through STS Portal?
STS Portal offers a variety of tests, including NAT, GAT, GMAT, and other admission tests required by universities and institutions.
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