Sindh Police Class 4 SPU CPEC Jobs 2023| Application form

Sindh Police Jobs Advertisement

Sindh Police announced new jobs of Class 4 in its new advertisement of Sindh Police class 4 Special Protection Unit (SPU) CPEC 2023 in Sindh Karachi. Sindh Police seeks applications for class four jobs in SPU CPEC from dynamic Energetic and suitable candidates having Domiciles of Sindh. These posts are Class- IV jobs from BPS-01 to 04. The total number of Posts are 30 including 22 open merit seats, 04 Women Quota, 02 Minority and 02 seats of disabled Quota. There are a total of 06 Categories of jobs announced . Interested and Eligible candidates are requested to visit the official website of Sindh Police and download the application forms from this website. This Application form along with all required documents, CNIC , Domiciles and passport size photographs must be sent to :
Office of the DIGP/SPU (CPEC) Sindh Karachi, SPU Headquarters, Al-Falah Base, near Bol TV Channel Korangi Creek, Karachi via Post/Courier Service. Last date of the application is 05-05-2023. Age relaxation of 15 years in the upper age limit will be given as per rules of the Sindh Government


Apply on Sindh Police SPU Class 4 Jobs | Application form

  1. Candidates interested in applying for Sindh Police SPU CPEC class 4 Jobs are advised to visit official website and download application form from official website of sindh Police.
  2. Once the application form is downloaded, fill this application form in all respects and send this application form along with attested copies of all documents including CNIC, Domicile Certificate, PRC, Educational documents, Experience Certificates and 04 recent passport size photographs to the address below:
    Office of the DIGP/SPU (CPEC) Sindh, Karachi SPU Head Quarters, Al- Falah Base, near bol TV Channel, Korangi Creek Karachi via Courier Service/Post
  3. All eligible candidates will have to appear in the Skill Test/Interview. Test dates and venues shall be communicated via SMS or on website
  4. No TA/DA will be admissible for test/ Interview
  5. Only Shortlisted candidates Will be called for skill test/ Interview
  6. Candidates have to show their original documents at the time of interview
  7. If any candidate is disqualified during verification of documents he will stand disqualified even if he qualifies all the tests
  8. Incomplete Applications will not be accepted
  9. Applicants should sign a declaration that information provided are correct
  10. An additional 15 marks will be given to interview qualified candidates who are daughters or sons of Sindh Police employees of Sindh Police having at least 25 years of service in Sindh Police.
  11. Sindh Police deserves the right to increase Decrease or cancel any or all posts without assigning any reason.

Vacancies List in Sindh Police SPU CPEC Class 4 Jobs 2023

  1. Auto Electrician
    BPS: 03
    No of Posts: 01
  2. Auto Mechanic
    BPS: 03
    No of Posts: 01
  3. Barber
    BPS: 01
    No of Posts: 04
  4. Cook
    BPS: 01
    No of Posts: 10
  5. Langri
    BPS: 01
    No of Posts: 10
  6. Sanitary Worker
    BPS: 01
    No of Posts: 04.

Who can apply for SPU Sindh Police class 4 Jobs 2023

  1. Auto Electrician
  2. Auto Mechanic

Age Limit: 18-28 Years
Qualifications: Preferably Primary pass and having Professional/ Experience Certificate in relevant field.

  1. Barber
  2. Cook
  3. Langri
    Age Limit: 18-28 years
    Qualifications: preferably Literate with Professional/ Experience Certificate in relevant field.
  4. Sanitary Worker
    Age Limit: 18-28 years
    Qualifications: Preferably Literate
Updated: April 14, 2023 — 2:20 pm © 2022