Wifaq Ul Madaris Result 2023-Check via www.wifaqulmadaris.org 1444 Hijri

Wifaq Ul Madaris Result 2023

The Wifaq Ul Madaris results 1444 for the year 2023 were announced in June/July 2023. All candidates can check their result through Wafaq Ul Madaris website via www.wifaqulmadaris.org Now, the candidates who are awaiting the Wifaq Ul Madaris results will need to wait until next year because the Wafaq ul Madaris results for the next term, which is in the next year, will be announced in February or March 2024.All the candidates can be check Wifaq Ul Madaris 2023 result through their Roll No, Name, SMS or  through ilhaq number.In this article we will provide you all details about Wifaq Ul Madaris Results.

About Wifaq Ul Madaris

Wifaq ul Madaris is the largest federation of Islamic seminaries in Pakistan. It started in 1959 and now has over 10,000 seminaries and 23,000 madaris linked to it. The group’s main goals are to improve and set standards for Islamic education in Pakistan, give good education to all students, and ready them for modern life’s challenges.

Wifaq ul Madaris Result 1444 Online

The www.wifaqulmadaris.org result 2023 have been declared and are available for online checking using the roll number Name or SMS. You can access the results online through the official website: www.wifaqulmadaris.org.

Wifaq Ul Madaris 2023 Results by Roll Number

Those candidates who want to check the Wifaq ul Madaris Result 2023. They have to visit their official website www.wifaqulmadaris.org.You can check the wifaq Ul Madaris annual results 2023 through roll no by taking the following steps:

  1. Firstly, applicants need to visit the Wifaq ul Madaris official web portal ||www.wifaqulmadaris.org.
  2. In the next step the Wifaq ul Madaris website will appear in front of you.
  3. Now on this website many tabs Will appear in front of you.
  4. Now, click the results tab.
  5. On the results section  input your roll number and click the submit button.

Now your www.wifaqulmadaris.org result 2023 will appear on your screen

Wifaq ul Madaris 2023 Results by Name

Candidates who have forgotten their Roll Number or misplaced their Roll Number Slip and wish to check their Wifaq ul Madaris 2023 result by name can easily do so by following these steps:-

  1. Initially, applicants should visit the Wifaq ul Madaris official website||www.wifaqulmadaris.org.
  2. After visiting, applicants should select the results tab.
  3. On this page, there will be options for both roll number slip and name categories.
  4.  On the results section enter your accurate name in the provided category and click on submit button.
  5. Now your Wifaq ul Madaris 2023 result will appear on your screen.

Wifaq ul Madaris 2023 Results by SMS

Candidates are asking that how to check the Wifaq ul Madaris 2023 result via SMS. The result for Wifaq ul Madaris can be obtained by sending a text message.

By following bellow procedure, you can check your Wifaq ul Madaris result for 2023 by SMS.

  1. If you’re a male student, type “M”. For female students, type “F”.
  2. Please provide a space.
  3. After the space, input your roll number.
  4. Now send this message to 9143.
  5. Now your Wifaq ul Madaris result will appear on your mobile screen.
  6. The SMS service is charged at PKR 2.50 per SMS.

Ilhaq result 2023

All  Wifaq ul Madaris candidates can verify their Ilhaq result. To view your result, simply input your Ilhaq number and press the submit button.after submitting your ilhaq result will show in front of you.

Wifaq ul Madaris result by ilhaq number

Those candidates who want to check the Wifaq ul Madaris Result 2023 through ilhaq number. They have to visit the Wifaq ul Madaris official website www.wifaqulmadaris.org.You can check the wifaq Ul Madaris annual results 2023 through ilhaq number by taking the following steps:-

  1. First of all,the candidates should have to visit the Wifaq ul Madaris website|| www.wifaqulmadaris.org.
  2. Once you’re on the website, input the last five digits of your Ilhaq number, along with your Madrassah secret code.
  3. Then, click the login button.
  4. Now your Wifaq ul Madaris result  will be presented on your screen.

Wifaq ul Madaris 2023 Result Date

You can easily access your Wifaq ul Madaris Result 2023 on www.wifaqulmadaris.org using your roll number, name, class, or madaris details. The website will also show the top achievers in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, KPK, AJK, and Gilgit Baltistan. Wifaq ul Madaris Alarbia of Pakistan has declared various results for the Hijri Year 1444 in 2023. Boys and girls can view and print their results for free.

Result 1444 Hijri

You can easily check the Wifaq ul Madaris Result 2023 at www.wifaqulmadaris.org. The website provides online result checking for different levels, such as Wafaq ul Madaris Sanaweya Ama, Tahfeez Ul Quran al Kareem, and more.

How can I check my Wifaq ul Madaris result?

You can check your Wifaq ul Madaris 2023 result on Wifaq ul Madaris website. Just put in your roll number or name at www.wifaqulmadaris.org

What are the pass percentages for the Wifaq ul Madaris exams?

The pass percentages for Wifaq ul Madaris exams change based on the exam level. For matriculation, it’s 33%, and for intermediate, it’s 40%.

What are the resources available for preparing for the Wifaq ul Madaris exams?

Lots of materials can help you prepare for Wifaq ul Madaris exams. Check online and libraries for old papers, study guides, and other resources.

Wifaq ul Madaris Contact Number:-
wifaq ul madaris phone number

92-061-6514525-26-27 061-6539665, 6539376.
Fax: +061-653948
Email: [email protected]
Official Website: www.wifaqulmadaris.org for result 2023

Updated: December 16, 2023 — 12:51 pm
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