PPSC Upcoming 700+ Lecturer Jobs in HED Department Punjab

PPSC Upcoming 700+ Lecturer Jobs in HED Department Punjab

Good news for all young graduates of Punjab that Punjab Public Service Commission is going to announce 700+ Lecture and Assistant professor jobs .The Higher Education Punjab HED Department has submitted proposal to Punjab public service commission ppsc to advertise the 700+ vacants posts of Instructor/ Lecturer Jobs.The candidates having Master or Bachelor 16 years degree in relevant field will be eligible for ppsc lecturer jobs.The jobs complete details eligibility criteria and other related information will be soon advertised by PPSC.These Jobs advertisement is expected to be announced in December 2023.The lecturer jobs will be announced for different subjects like Mathematics, Statistics, Commerce, English and Accounting filed.

Candidates having a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree (16 years) in the relevant field will be eligible for the PPSC Lecturer jobs.

The complete details of the jobs, eligibility criteria, and other related information will be soon advertised by the PPSC. The jobs advertisement is expected to be announced in December 2023.

The Lecturer jobs will be announced for different subjects, including Mathematics, Statistics, Commerce, English, and Accounting.

If you are interested in applying for one of these jobs, be sure to keep an eye on the PPSC website for the latest announcements

PPSC Upcoming 700+ Lecturer Jobs in HED Department Punjab
PPSC Upcoming 700+ Lecturer Jobs in HED Department Punjab
PPSC Upcoming 700+ Lecturer Jobs in HED Department Punjab
Updated: October 5, 2023 — 12:37 pm
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