KPK independent Department P.O.Box No. 613 Latest Jobs 2023

An independent Department in KPK invites applications from dynamic, Energetic and Eligibile candidates having domiciles of KPK to fill different vacancies. These are class 4 based jobs and total 04 categories of jobs. Eligible Candidates must send their applications on plain paper with post applied for clearly mentioned along with Detailed CV, Domicile, CNIC and attested copies of certificates via registered mail to P.O Box No. 613 General Post Office, Peshawar Cant not later than 25 January 2023.

Vacancies in KPK P.O.Box 613 Latest Jobs

  1. Chowkidar (Male)
  2. Khakrob (Male)
  3. Frash (Male)
  4. Collar (Female)

P.O.Box Number 613 Latest Jobs 2023 Description:-

Posted10 January 2023
DepartmentP.O.Box Number 613 Latest Jobs 2023
Job TypeFull Time
Last Date25 January

Who is eligible for P O Box No. 613 KPK Jobs

  1. Male and Female
  2. Age 18 to 40 years
  3. KPK domiciled candidates

How to apply for KPK P.O.Box Number 613 Latest Jobs 2023

  1. All Eligibile and interested candidates must send their applications on plain paper with post clearly mentioned along with CV, Domicile, CNIC and Educational documents (if any) and one set of attested copies of all these documents enclosed in envelope through registered Mail to P.O.Box No. 613 General Post Office (GPO) Ok Peshawar Cant till 25 January 2023.
  2. Applications via courier service will not be accepted
  3. No TA/DA would be given for Test/interview
  4. Applications submitted after due date will not be entertained
  5. If a candidate wants to apply for more than one post, he must apply separately for each Post
  6. Government Organizations candidates must apply through proper channel
  7. Competent Authority has the right to increase Decrease or cancel any post without assigning any reason
  8. All recruitments will be made as per policy of the department
  9. Address: Post Box Number 613, General Post Office (GPO), Peshawar

P.O.Box Number 613 Latest Jobs 2023 Advertisement

Updated: January 10, 2023 — 12:41 pm © 2022