SBK Education Paper 20 May 2023

The SBK Education Paper was held on 20 May 2023. In this Article we will solve this paper . The questions are written here along with their answers. We have tried our best to give all the answers correctly ,if there is any mistake we apologize for that. You can find all the latest updates of jobs, merit list , application method and important MCQs on our website. Furthermore you can visit our YouTube channel and our Facebook page “New Jobs Knowledge guru” for the latest update of jobs, Past paper and important MCQs

SBK Education solved MCQs 20 May 2023

SBK Education Test 20/05/2023

(1) Stoning to the devil is called= Rami

(2) The daughter name of Hazrat Umer R.A is =Hazrat Hafsa

3) How many surah start from ward Qual

4) Gold Smith line is situated – Between pakistan and Iran

(5) The Profession of fatima Jinnah was: Dentist

(6) According to population the biggest city is =

(6) the Province where there is no desent is = KPK

(8) which prophet started agriculture system: Hazrat Adam is

(9) The Surname of Hazrat Ayesh R is Abdullah

(10) Who chaired Simla deputation: Sir Agha Khan

(11) Name the Prophet who was trader – Hazrat Mohammad PBUH

(12) Animals a lay egg are called = Monotremes

(13) synonym of grief
is = Sorrow

(14) The people of Balochistan wear: Shalwar Jameez

(15) Capital of Pakistan at the time of creation= Karachi

(16) Name the Prophet who worked as Tailor master-Hazrat laress

(17) Who Concqred Qumos fort: Hazrat Ali R.A.

18) In which battle qumos fort was conjured = Khyber

19) When makkh was conquered = 8 Hijri In

20) Muslim tawaf at Kaaba while Angels are – Bait-ul-Hamoor

(21) Kaleemullah is the title of = Hazrat Musa AS

22) Who suggested to dig a ditch arround the Medina- Hazmat Salm

(23) on occeassion of Khandak how many day medina was under control = 30 days

SBK Education Paper 20 May 2023
SBK Education Paper 20 May 2023
Updated: May 20, 2023 — 1:53 pm © 2022